Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
The next wave of revolution for industries is going to come in the form of Internet of Things. The entire world is having this word understood better in an attempt to respond better to this eventuality.
What is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)?
Internet of Things is rather simple to understand. All the items currently which are electronically non connected e.g. an electrical device that does not have any form of electronic connectivity to other devices, not gets to make their presence felt in the electronic world and networks like the internet. Now this when extended to Industrial appliances, machines makes up the world of Industrial IoT.
What are the examples of IoT?
The common examples we find in everyday life like a refrigerator which is internet connected and able to reply or react/quick to respond to commands from mobile application. Industrial IoT has more complex iiot solutions where in the devices like machines running on the shop floor are connected to command and data center where smart machine learning based algos crunch the data from these devices. The mass production is now going to go through a digital transformation of sorts
What are the benefits of Industrial IoT?
The core purpose of Industrial IoT deployments are operational efficiency and cost-efficiency. Manufacturing operations seems to be the major place for the current IoT spends. Typical use cases of IoT are that of preemptive maintenance e.g. a customer can be provided with a notification that machine is showing signs of wear and tear and it needs replace of a specific part. It is difficult many times to come up with quantitative and tangible benefits. Some of the use cases the benefits are very obvious are the use cases like if there is the sudden temperature in some remote location in the plant and this immediate attention, use case of sending remote notifications to those onshore if there are issues in some underwater industrial robotic arm malfunctioning.
What are the current challenges with Industrial IoT?
Some of the major challenges which companies are facing with regard to IoT are that of huge amount of data and the variety of data, lack of skills and security. These aspects are crucial for building sufficient traction towards bigger and more implementations of IoT.
What is the impact of Industrial IoT (IIoT) on the future of Manufacturing?
The manufacturing industry is going to see a sea of change. Concepts like Industry 4.0 are making inroads with the help of IoT. The IoT applications and devices together are going to be providing various valuable insights which were earlier not available. With these insights, one expects that the operational efficiency is going to drastically improve. The entire supply chain is bound to change with IoT influence. The IoT is going to impact, how maintenance is undertaken – now it is going to more of predictive maintenance instead of just preventive maintenance. Thus the Industrial IoT applications are many and their use cases are going to increase with more innovations. These IoT devices are going to provide real-time visibility to the world of things which was never possible before. Intelligent solutions build around these devices are bound to make the customer experience better and business outcomes more predictable.
How can Industrial IoT impact your bottomline and future?
The obvious question that one would like to know, how will it impact our business. This is a question more from the point of view getting a more personalized understanding of the impact.
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